Having large breasts can be a source of pride for some women, but it can also lead to back pain if you don’t take the proper precautions. Fortunately, there are exercises and posture tips that can help alleviate some of the stress your body is under. Let’s take a look at what you can do to reduce back pain related to having large breasts.
It’s no secret that having larger breasts than average means additional weight on the front side of your body, leading to an imbalance in your posture. This misalignment puts strain on the muscles in your back and shoulders, which can lead to chronic pain if not addressed properly. However, there are several exercises and posture tips that can help you combat this type of pain.
Strengthening Exercises
The key to reducing back pain due to large breasts is strengthening the muscles in your chest and upper back—specifically those surrounding your shoulder blades. Here are five exercises you can do at home or in the gym that will help strengthen these muscles:
- Push-ups – Push-ups are great for strengthening chest muscles and helping correct poor posture. Start by doing three sets of 10 push-ups 3 times a week and build up from there as your strength increases.
- Bent Over Rows – Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold weights with an overhand grip (palms facing down). Bend at the hips until torso is almost parallel to the floor then pull elbows straight up towards ceiling so weights come up towards rib cage then lower back down slowly. Do three sets of 10 repetitions 3 times a week as well.
- Wall Slides – Stand with your back against a wall, feet hip-width apart, holding light weights above head (shoulder width apart). Slide arms slowly up along wall until arms are fully extended above head then slide them down again slowly until arms are at shoulder height again. Do three sets of 10 reps 3 times a week as well.
- Chest Expansion – Stand facing forward with feet hip-width apart holding one arm out straight in front (at shoulder height) while other arm rests at side (holding light weight). Slowly move arm outstretched forward until elbow is straight then bring it back in slowly toward body again completing full circle motion without allowing elbow to bend or lock during movement; repeat for other arm as well for best results! Do three sets of 10 reps 3 times a week too!
- Rear Delt Flyes – Lie face down on bench/mat/floor with knees bent 90 degrees and feet flat on floor/bench; hold light weights straight out from shoulders palms facing each other; squeeze shoulder blades together while bringing arms outwards like wings; make sure to keep elbows slightly bent throughout movement; return arms back inward slowly completing full circle motion without allowing elbows lock during movement; repeat for both arms simultaneously – do three sets of 10 reps 3 times a week!
Posture Tips In addition to strengthening exercises, proper posture is essential when it comes to alleviating strain on your neck, shoulders, and upper back due to large breasts.
Here are some tips for improving your posture:
• Stand up tall with shoulders pulled back and chin slightly tucked in
• Avoid hunching over when sitting or standing
• Make sure chair provides good support for lower back
• Place laptop or monitor directly in front of you when working
• Take regular breaks from sitting/standing every 30 minutes or so
Having larger than average breasts doesn’t have to mean chronic pain forever – if you incorporate these exercises and posture tips into your daily life, you’ll find relief soon enough! If done regularly these simple movements will help strengthen the supporting muscles around your neck, shoulders, and upper back which will ease any tension caused by having large breasts significantly! So try them out today!