Dating with Large Breasts The Good and Bad for Me

Lindsey H. – Newark, New Jersey

If you have large breasts like me, chances are you know that your bust size is a major factor when it comes to dating. Many of us women with larger chests find that we get more attention from men than those with smaller chests, but there are also disadvantages to dating with large breasts that can be difficult to deal with. I wanted to share with you both the pros and cons of dating with big boobs.

The Advantages of Dating With Large Breasts
One of the biggest advantages of having larger breasts is the amount of attention we will get from potential suitors. There are plenty of guys out there who love natural curves, and a lot of them seem to prefer women with bigger busts over those with smaller ones. This means that if you’re looking for someone who appreciates your body type, there’s a good chance you’ll find him!

Another advantage is that sex life tends to be very enjoyable for people who have larger breasts. Men often find these body types attractive, which can make for some very passionate encounters in the bedroom. Additionally, many women report feeling empowered and confident when they have larger breasts because they feel like they are able to attract the kind of partners they want…sometimes lol.

The Disadvantages of Dating With Large Breasts
Unfortunately, one of the downsides to having larger breasts is that some people may view us as being over-sexualized or objectified. While this isn’t always true (and should definitely not be accepted!), it’s important to remember that there are still people out there who may judge us based on our figure alone. This can be especially tough if you’re someone who doesn’t necessarily want to be judged in such a way – so just keep in mind that it might happen from time to time.

Another disadvantage is that some men may feel ashamed about their fetish for large breasts. Some guys might worry about what others think about their attraction to women with bigger busts and this could lead them to hide it or even act differently around them in order not draw attention to themselves or their interests. This can make it difficult for them (and for us!) when it comes to expressing themselves and feeling comfortable in a relationship together. This happened to me a few times in my 20s dealing with more immature guys.

All in all, while there may be some disadvantages when it comes to dating with large breasts, overall it has been great for me personally. I’ve found that men who appreciate my body type tend to be nicer guys in general which has made my experience much more rewarding than I had anticipated. I’ve also found ways around any potential issues by simply being open and honest about how I’m feeling – communication truly does go a long way.

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